Who We Are

Restoring and Empowering Communities (REC) started way back in 2004 as a charity that Nageeba Hassan formed in memory of her mother

REC is now being engaged by schools and communities outside our operation areas and we reached out in partnership with religious, community, school leaders and friends to replicate our work.
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REC builds safe environments for children and youth working with the actors in their spaces (parents, teachers, leaders and young people) to empower them for meaningful participation especially the girls child. Empowered young people and women will have better control of their lives and strengthen their agency to contribute successfully to their lives, support others and together transforming the lives around them. Safe environment gives a sense of belonging and protection where all are heard, seen and action required taken seriously. They are nurtured, empowered and supported on their journey to success and this in turn builds a cohesive community. We facilitate the process and build capacity while walking with them until they are ready to fly.

Restore the reading culture to strengthen the children’s agency

Restore the reading culture to strengthen the children’s agency
REC forms book clubs that are 50/50 boys and girls to read for fun and are trained in soft skills that allows them to critically think and reflect as peer leaders supporting management from bottom up and passing on their skills ….View More »

Advocate for and empower the girl child education & poverty eradication

Girls are encouraged to learn different skills as a hobby and later to earn from it, to lead at school and in our initiatives, to make grounded decisions that favor them and to succeed. And we have supported girls to stay in school, prevented child marriages and provide psycho social support for them.View More »

Prevent all forms of violence amongst and against children, youths and women

REC uses the ethics education approach and interreligious and intercultural dialogue to explore non violent ways of solving problems, unpack the forms of violence and calling everyone to commit to their roles to prevent and report violence against children, youths and women. We support the different actors like teachers in transformative pedagogy ….View More »

Psycho social support with a safe walk in space for children, youths and adults

Information sharing with the people, guidance and counseling, family sessions, career guidance, couple, group, individual counseling and referral. We engage in intergenerational dialogues and meetings to amplify the young people’s voices and to hold duty bearers accountable to issues that concern them.View More »
REC builds safe environments for children and youth working with the actors in their spaces (parents, teachers, leaders
and young people) to empower them for meaningful participation, especially the girls child.

Dialogue means learning, listening, and sharing opinions, because i believe that before we belong to any tribe, religion , and class we are all human beings and what affects one, affects the other.

Tegulwa Nageeba Hassan
Executive Director


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